Sunday, December 28, 2008

ST 12 concert in Ngawi perplexedly

Diposkan oleh Febri Rifki

Ngawi - Again, the concert band ST 12 tumultuous. This occurred in Ngawi, East Java. Dozens of people had to be squeezed because dievakuasi other spectators. The atmosphere of the summer after the band vocalist Cherly toss-tembang tembang hitnya as Puspa boyfriend and Search Again.

Concert Band ST group 12 that took place in the Stadium Ketonggo Ngawi ricuh progress. Two spectators injured and the car belonging to Xenia entourage ST broken glass 12 is cast stone .....

Noise in the Stadium Ketonggo was already happening before the concert began. Thousands of spectators kebagian ticket that does not force the break and enter the door next to the stadium because the committee will only provide as many as 11 thousand tickets. While the capacity of the stadium that is only able to accommodate about 10 thousand visitors are forced to accommodate around 14 thousand spectators.

Two spectators who are injured in the head due to the casting stone Jaenuri (24) and Ibn (3) both of the Village Dawu District Paron forced diperban his head as the bleeding.

"I Wong road again in addition to stage how many stones throw from the back of the stage, all ni bruised head," said Jaenuri Saturday (7/1/008) early this week after the concert ended.

Meanwhile, as Ruth Adytia Band Manager of ST group 12 after the show to explain that the stone throwing incident, the lack of optimal security from the police and expect events like this is happening again.

"If the incident during a concert ya dah usual, but this Ngawi kalu ya in terms of security that are less optimal," said Aditya.

From watchlist, ST 12 concerts that took place in Ketonggo Stadium attended by around 15 thousand visitors with prodak IM3 purchase price of Rp 11 ribu.

However, over the fence in the stadium behind the stage hundreds of spectators do not try to buy a ticket line when the group jumped 12 ST Band sing a new song at 22.00 and pelt people - the people behind the stage thatch.{STSetia/febri}

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