Saturday, January 24, 2009

Akhirnya Ganti Template Juga

Diposkan oleh Febri Rifki

the template, at least there is little modification here. But now, after menimbang2 and thoughts through the long x wide x high, finally decided to change the template of this blog. And for the interest with this blog template a long time now can be downloaded .....

DOWNLOAD HERE please for a long time this blog template. But of course there are some things that need to be modified, among which are:

1. Calendar Icon
So that the icon kalendernya work (not "undefine") haru then changed the date format first. Namely through the "Settings -> Formatting" then in the "Date Header Format" to change the format you "mm.dd.yyyy" eg (11.22.2008).

2. Change the Horizontal Tabs
how the entry in the EDIT HTML and search the word "horizontal tab", please nha brain especial didaerah there untk edit menu2 horiizontalnya.

3. Change Content Tabview
How the entry in the EDIT HTML and search the word "view tab", please nha brain especial didaerah there untk edit the content of these tabview

Edit2 to please the other diotak especial own.

Yup, gitu aja. Goodbye templateku old.

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