Friday, May 8, 2009

ST12: not harassing Wisely Music Other

Diposkan oleh Febri Rifki

ST12 group band that does not fear 'reply' bands rock beraliran who want to replace the flow of the Malay music still dominate.

"Retaliation is legitimate-legal course, if they reply with the good work. But if the quotes in reply, that what one Malay pop ,"...[...]

"Any type of music we can receive, according to the wise I'm not harassing any other type of music. We are concerned with people harassing a different flow of music with them," said Charly, vocalist band ST12, when found together with other personnel at Penta Studio, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Friday (8/5/2009).

ST12 rate genre of music they anut now personelnya not because of the loss of creativity in play. But what holds ST12 They do now is attempt to introduce more Indonesian music indeed.

"What reason lagian wilt concept that ugly, why if ngomong segment Dangdut aja nggak dilibas you. Standarization music that I have. We want to lift tuh original music why Indonesia is prevented," said Pepeng, the drummer.

Get scorn and satire do not make charcoal ST12 broken. They also claim to not akan vengeance hurl with the statement that the music genre other musicians.{STSetia/febri}

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